
Title : Effects of drying methods and sublimating agents on the properties of tamarind kernel starch and polyvinyl alcohol films
By : Nisara Suwannamajo and Yanisa Khuanpunya
Advisor : Dr.Chonladda Pitchayajittipong and Asst.Prof.Dr.Warisada Sila-on
Keywords : Tamarind kernel powder, polyvinyl alcohol, drying, sublimating agent
Tamarind kernel starch(TKS) is a natural polymer, which is safe to use in pharmaceuticals e.g. used as film former but it has a low tensile strength. The synthetic polymer including polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) makes the film more flexible but lack ofwater absorbability. Therefore, the combination of TKS and PVApossibly will improve the properties of films.Objective: To study effects of drying methods and sublimating agent on the properties ofTKS and PVA films.Method: TKS and PVA were blended in the ratio of 3:5 and 2: 6. The mixtures were dissolved in purified water and heating at 80๐Cuntil completely dissolved. Added glycerin and sublimating agent such as camphor and ammonium bicarbonate.Films were prepared by casting and then drying by 3 methods such asmicrowaveoven at 450 watt for 15 minutes, hot air oven at 80 ๐C for 2 hours and freeze at -20 ๐C for 24 hours and thaw at 80 ๐C for 2 hours. Film solution and films were evaluated in terms of pH, viscosity, thickness, swellingand disintegration time.Result:Miicrowave irradiation was the suitable drying method for TKS and PVA blended films because of making the homogenous film. The film solution with ammonium bicarbonate gave the higher pH as comparing to that of camphor. Their films showed significantly in the maximum of swelling capacity (p<0.05). However, the addition of sublimation agent slightly affected the disintegration time. Conclusion: TKS and PVAblended with ammonium bicarbonate and drying by microwave irradiation demonstrated the desirable properties of films.
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