
Title : The Relationship between EPS and Risperidone in Autism Spectrum Disorders by Screening Tools, Prescription Sequence Symmetry Analysis
By : Chuenchanok Worathongchai and Rattawit Papralit
Advisor : Dr.Tatta Sriboonruang and Asst.Prof.Dr.Sawaeng Watcharathanakij
Keywords : Risperidone , Autism spectrum disorders , EPS , PSSA
Atpresent, the incidence of autism spectrum disorders steadilyincreased and it can affect patients in many dimensions. Antipsychotic drugs were recommended for treatment of autism spectrum disorders. In Thailand, Risperidoneis widely used, but it can cause extrapyramidal side effects (EPS).Objective: To measure the relationship between EPS andRisperidonein Autism Spectrum Disorders by Screening Tools, PSSA.Method:This retrospectiveresearch used data from electronic database to identify prescriptions initiated with Risperidone after initiation of anticholinergic drug (Marker to Index) and prescriptions initiated with Risperidone before initiation of anticholinergic drug (Index to Marker) during January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2015. Prescription sequence symmetry analysis (PSSA) was used to analyze the relationship between Risperidone and EPS and presented as sequence ratio. Result: 23 prescriptions identified, 20 (86.96%) prescriptions initiated with Risperidone after the initiation of anticholinergic drug (Index to Marker) and 3 (13.04%) prescriptions initiated with Risperidone before initiation of anticholinergic drug (Marker to Index). The sequence ratio (SR) was 6.67. Conclusion: Risperidone was associated with EPS from PSSA which is convenient to use to monitor drug safety surveillance.
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